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New Dome Space in Montreal

Brief article on a new dome in Canada, which among other things, raises a thought about domes whose primary function is cultural content. Which brings up something potentially stopping the flowering of Dome Cinema – its attachment to science and planetariums.

Domes built for the specific purposes of art and cinema might be more readily able to tackle the issues surrounding cultural content that is produced for planetaria, such as image quality, or needing to add ‘sciency’ elements to secure funding.

There is certainly a chance for early global collaboration on specifications and adaptability, and to create a viable business model worldwide before these spaces start popping up all over the globe, without any working relationship to each other.

The article also drops sum links to sum new tools, in particular which looks like a great tool for integrating realtime content from software like MaxMsp or Pd into a Dome Project.

Also check out the mini Dome they use in the Lab for production. awesome!

Immersive Theater Takes a Permanent, Dome-Shaped Form In Montreal, Alongside New Tools

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hey guys, found a couple of interesting recent pdf’s by a company called global immersion, more on some technical aspects of fulldome. may be of interest to some:

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and more here.

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domelab post

heya fellow domelab’ers 🙂

i posted some of my rather lengthy thoughts on my website.

you can read about it at this link:

all the best,

matt t. price comparison viagra cialis levitra.

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shameless plug

hey peeps, been so busy i havent been able to fully get a pen down on domelab yet, but will make a full blog post about it in the coming weeks…

For those who are in Melbourne however if you are free then drop into to an cheap kamagra pills uk. opening of a group show I am taking part in. It’s called ‘Celluloid Cave’:

Opens Thursday 18th, 6 – 8 @ Blindside Gallery in the CBD

Full Deets here:

catch soon,


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